
Learning Support


At Wigston Academy we are committed to providing an integrated and inclusive (education) curriculum ensuring that each student receives the necessary support to maximise their potential, whatever their Special Educational Needs. At the core of this is a dedicated and well-resourced Study Support Centre.

What support is available?

We work with students in all years in a variety of ways depending on their identified needs. Our team of Teaching and Learning Support Assistants/HLTA’s are very experienced and highly qualified to meet the needs of all pupils. 1:1 – Those pupils who are identified as requiring more intensive personalised support may receive some 1:1 tuition by a Specialist Teacher.

Small Group Work

Some identified pupils will receive additional support for Literacy and/or numeracy through small group work. This will be provided by a Specialist Teacher or an experienced LSA.

Short course Intervention

Small group work will be offered to identified pupils throughout the year covering catch up work on spelling, reading, comprehension, writing skills and study skills. This will be provided by a Specialist Teacher or an experienced LSA.

In Class Support

Learning Support Assistants will be in class to support pupils with their:

  • reading and writing tasks
  • listening and concentration skills
  • work organisation supporting the completion of tasks
  • Social Skills and independence development

Nurture/Social Support

Supervised support is available at both break and lunch time to support those pupils who struggle to incorporate themselves in the mainstream playground. A variety of structured lunchtime opportunities are also available including, Boccia/kurling, Dance Mats, games, computers, creativity and homework support. We also offer a variety of activities throughout the year designed to support pupil’s self-esteem, co-operation, team work, and motorskill development. Pupils who will benefit from these types of activities will be invited to attend.


We work closely with both Primary and Upper Schools to support the smooth transition of pupils into a new school setting.

This includes:

  • Teachers meeting with transferring school staff to ensure that everyone is fully informed about individual pupil needs.
  • Pupils are offered the opportunity to have ‘Early Inductions’. This provides the extra time for pupils to familiarise themselves with their new school setting and staff.
  • Opportunities for parents to meet and speak to SEN/D staff about any additional concerns that they have
  • Wigston Academy SEN/D staff attend transitional Annual Review meetings during the first term in Year 6.
  • Opportunity for Wigston Academy staff to work with pupils within their Primary school setting, prior to transition, to support the process.


At Wigston Academy we offer a whole school approach to supporting our pupils with special Educational Needs/Disabilities. Each pupil with identified needs (who meet criteria according to the LA Code of Practice) will be placed on our Special Educational Needs record. Individual pupil profiles are created for all pupils with an EHCP or are placed at SEN Support. This information is shared with all staff and Parents, alongside regular staff training and supportive lesson planning ensuring work set is suitable and challenging for all pupils. Staff also receive regular and up to date training on all areas of SEN, including Dyslexia, ASD, ADHD, GLD, etc.

Further assessments

Pupils who may not be making expected progress may require additional assessment and we work closely with professionals from a range of external agencies such as Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teaching Services, Paediatricians and Counsellors.