The aims of our curriculum Our central aim is to ensure that all students at Wigston Academy achieve the highest standards of which they are capable. These standards will apply to all that our students do, whether in the classroom, on the sports field, in concert or on stage, or in the extensive range of other opportunities we offer to students at all stages of their education. Our curriculum aims to enable our students to become:
We aim to provide a secure and disciplined environment where staff and students can work together in pursuit of our common moral purpose. The aim is to develop a coherent 11-16 curriculum that builds on our students’ experiences in the primary phase and helps them to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. Our curriculum reflects values in our society that promote personal development, spirituality, equality of opportunity, economic wellbeing, a healthy and just democracy, and a sustainable future. It will allow our students to be prepared for life in a culturally diverse modern Britain. All our students, regardless of their gender, colour, creed, ability, background or disadvantage, will be given the opportunity to follow a curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated and coherent and which enables continuity and progression. Every student will be expected to experience success. Specifically, our curriculum is intended to help our students to:
In particular, our curriculum will: